2660 Department of Transportation
Major Program Changes
- The Budget reflects full funding of Proposition 42 at $1.5 billion and $83 million for loan repayment pursuant to Proposition 1A of 2006.
- The Budget reflects $500 million in Trade Corridors Improvement funds and $200 million in State and Local Partnership Program funds from the Proposition 1B bond funds.
- The 2007-08 Budget includes $460.3 million in additional federal funding from both reimbursement for emergency funds expended by Caltrans in past years and from federal funding that other states were unable to use. These funds will be used for additional rehabilitation work.
- The Budget assumes spending the tribal compact cash as it comes in until the date that the bonds are sold is better known. $100 million is assumed to be spent in both 2007-08 and 2008-09 and will be deposited in the State Highway Account per current law.
- The Budget proposes a $20 million increase for the sale of Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs). The resources will be utilized to fund 70 photovoltaic (i.e., solar energy) projects at maintenance facilities, equipment shops, transportation management centers, materials labs, and office buildings. Debt service on these bonds will be paid out of the savings achieved through the lower utility costs that result from the use of the solar panels.
- The Budget proposes a $5 million increase for a parolee employment program to pick up and remove litter along state highways and a $2 million increase to implement a public outreach program to reduce litter.
- The Budget proposes a $3.2 million increase for workload associated with the implementation and administration of the Proposition 1B bond funds.
- The Budget reflects funding policy established in SB 77 and SB 78, but given lower revenues, the Budget proposes a loan from the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund in the amount of $60 million to keep the Public Transportation Account solvent. It is anticipated that the loan be repaid in 2011-12.