1955 Department of Technology Services
Program Descriptions
This program ensures the effective and efficient use of the Department of Technology Services' (DTS) resources and provides information technology support to customer organizations.
- Data Center Operations: Provides information technology infrastructure platforms and network connectivity to meet customers' information technology needs 24 hours per day, seven days a week. This function includes service desk, incident management, change management and operational recovery.
- Security Management: Applies security policies and practices to safeguard customers' information to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of customers' data.
- Engineering: Installs and maintains software and hardware for customers to ensure system reliability, availability and serviceability. The function also provides customer support in the efficient use of the various platforms. The technical infrastructure consists of hardware, operating systems, network systems (local and statewide), software, applications and capacity planning.
- Customer Delivery: Facilitates the collaborative communication between DTS and its customers that is necessary to resolve complex business problems. This function also provides oversight and coordination of large multi-division projects at DTS.
- Policy and Planning: Facilitates the creation, implementation and governance of DTS' enterprise architecture and strategic planning processes. The function also establishes goals, objectives and strategies for implementing Information Technology Library processes, assuring that effective process related performance metrics are collected and reported, and oversees the creation of DTS' Service catalog and the reporting of Operation Level Agreements and Service Level Agreements compliance.
- Statewide Telecommunications and Network: Provides statewide telecommunications services, including strategic and tactical policies and planning for the state to a wide variety of state and local government customers.
- Administration: Provides essential services for the administration of the department and its programs, including facilities operations, financial management, human resources, and procurement and contracting.