1100 Science Center
Program Descriptions
The Science Center Education program provides a place where children, teachers, and families can explore how science is relevant to their everyday lives. Information is provided through lectures, seminars, films, after school programs, science summer camps, and teaching institutes led by eminent scientists from across the country. Hands-on experiences also introduce scientific principles in the context of the world that surrounds us. It is an approach intended to stimulate curiosity and challenge visitors to think, to question, and to see their world in an entirely new way. The Science Center is administered by a nine-member board of directors appointed by the Governor.
In 2004, the Science Center, in cooperation with the Los Angeles Unified School District, opened the Science Center School (a science- and math-focused elementary charter school) and the Center for Science Learning on-site. The Center for Science Learning offers professional development programs to improve the math and science skills of teachers. The Science Center also includes a 3D IMAX theatre and the Air and Space Gallery.