0820 Department of Justice
Major Program Changes
- Gang Suppression Enforcement Teams-The Budget includes $5.3 million General Fund and 31.9 positions to fund the Department's four existing Gang Suppression Enforcement Teams on a permanent basis. These teams provide a dedicated force with specialized knowledge of gang activities across multiple jurisdictions to curtail the threat of gangs.
- Correctional Writs and Appeals Unit-The Budget includes $4.3 million General Fund and 24.9 positions for the DOJ to support increased habeas corpus workload, including federal habeas corpus appeals, which have increased dramatically since the courts, in November 2005, eliminated the requirement that inmates needed permission from the court before filing federal habeas corpus appeals.
- Cardroom Compliance and Enforcement-The Budget includes $1.7 million Gambling Control Fund and 10.4 positions for the DOJ to conduct background investigations of third-party providers/vendors, increase the frequency of field inspections to two per year at each of the 91 licensed cardrooms throughout the state, and investigate a higher percentage of the complaints filed against cardroom owners, patrons, and third-party providers.
- Class Action Quality Improvement-The Budget includes $2.2 million General Fund and 12.4 positions to enhance the state's legal defense against class action lawsuits. This augmentation would allow the DOJ to dedicate resources to a more proactive approach that includes opposing class certification more aggressively, enhancing the state's participation in the discovery process, and monitoring and litigating remedial orders.