0690 Office of Emergency Services
Major Program Changes
- Wildland Firefighting Initiative - The Governor's Budget includes $10.2 million from the Insurance Fund and 8.7 positions to establish and maintain the appropriate staffing and equipment levels necessary for the OES to be able to respond to major wildfire disasters. This amount includes purchasing additional fire engines that will be available to be deployed to major wildfires.
- Regional Operational Readiness-The Governor's Budget proposes $1.6 million General Fund, $1.6 million in federal funds, and 18.1 positions to increase staff at three regional offices to enhance the coordination of emergency preparedness, response, and recovery operations. Increasing staffing at the Inland, Coastal, and Southern regions will provide for better coordination of mutual aid and other emergency-related resources and activities.
- California Multi-jurisdictional Methamphetamine Enforcement Team (Cal-MMET) Program-The Governor's Budget proposes a continuation of $20.1 million General Fund to fund the OES Cal-MMET Program on a permanent basis. This funding, in addition to the $9.5 million of existing funds, will provide the resources for additional investigators and prosecutors specializing in methamphetamine offenses to curtail the production and distribution of the illegal substance in California.
- Operational Area Satellite Information System (OASIS)-The Governor's Budget includes $2 million General Fund for the OES to increase the capability of the OASIS, a satellite-based communications system that provides the ability to communicate between various operational areas and regions during an emergency or disaster. This funding will allow for additional OASIS units to be simultaneously active, and allow for additional information and data to be transmitted between various state and local agencies responsible for providing disaster emergency assistance.
- Replacement of Obsolete Radio Equipment-The Governor's Budget proposes $3 million General Fund to replace the inventory of OES radios that are at least five years old. Replacing this outdated communication equipment will enhance OES and other first responders' ability to communicate and transmit critical information in the event of a disaster or emergency situation.
- Southern California Wildfires-The Governor's Budget includes $70.2 million General Fund in 2007-08 and $21 million General Fund in 2008-09 to fund the disaster response and recovery costs the OES incurred as a result of the 2007 Southern California Wildfires. This amount includes costs for personal services, operating expenses and equipment, as well as public and individual assistance such as debris removal, clean-up, counseling and funeral costs.