0690 Office of Emergency Services
Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The Budget includes General Fund reductions of $6.5 million and 8.5 positions in 2007-08 and $21.2 million and 23.9 positions in 2008-09.
- The major budget balancing reductions for 2007-08 include:
A decrease of $100,000 for the OES' Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid Response Program which will impact the ability of OES to coordinate statewide response to emergencies.
A decrease of $100,000 for OES' Warning Center/Information Technology/Telecommunications Program which will result in the slower response time for emergency management coordination during disasters.
A decrease of $400,000 and 1.9 positions for the Plans and Preparedness Program which will impact OES' administrative regions' ability to serve as the conduit for information to local and regional areas to provide efficient and effective support to local disaster response.
A decrease of $2.4 million and 2.9 positions for the Disaster Assistance Program which will delay the processing and payment of disaster reimbursement claims from local governments.
A decrease of $3.1 million and 2 positions for the OES local Criminal Justice Grant programs such as Domestic Violence, War on Methamphetamine, Vertical Prosecution Block Grant, High Tech Theft Apprehension, Rural Crime Prevention, and Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement which will result in a lesser amount of grant funding being distributed to local agencies.
- The major budget balancing reductions for 2008-09 include:
A decrease of $665,000 in 2008-09 for the OES' Fire and Rescue Mutual Aid Response Program. However, this reduction will be offset by the property insurance surcharge included in the Wildland Firefighting Initiative.
A decrease of $1.2 million for OES' Warning Center/Information Technology/Telecommunications Program. However, this reduction will be offset by the property insurance surcharge included in the Wildland Firefighting Initiative.
A decrease of $824,000 and 5.8 positions for the Plans and Preparedness Program which will impact OES' ability to serve as the conduit for information to local and regional areas to provide efficient and effective support to local disaster response.
A decrease of $9 million and 9.9 positions for OES' Disaster Assistance Program which will delay the processing and payment of disaster reimbursement claims from local governments.
A decrease of $8.1 million and 4.3 positions for OES' local Criminal Justice Grant programs such as Domestic Violence, War on Methamphetamine, Vertical Prosecution Block Grant, High Tech Theft Apprehension, Rural Crime Prevention, and Sexual Assault Felony Enforcement which will result in a lesser amount of grant funding being distributed to local agencies.