0250 Judicial Branch
Major Program Changes
  • Growth Factor Increase for Trial Courts-The Budget includes an augmentation of $126.2 million General Fund for the Trial Courts based on the year-over-year change in the State Appropriations Limit.

  • New Trial Court Judgeships-The Budget includes $46.5 million General Fund for new Trial Court judgeships. This amount includes the full-year costs of 50 judgeships established in 2007-08 ($12.6 million) as well as the first month of funding ($3.5 million) and one-time costs ($30.4 million) for the 50 additional judgeships proposed to be established in 2008-09. These additional judgeships will increase access to the courts, address court backlogs, and provide equitable justice throughout the state. Legislation is required to create the 50 new judgeships for 2008-09.

  • Phoenix Information Technology (IT) Project-The Budget proposes $6 million General Fund and 35.6 positions to enhance the Judicial Branch's administrative infrastructure by implementing a statewide human resource and financial system that is consistent for all trial courts. This system will provide the Administrative Office of the Courts with unified reporting capabilities for all aspects of trial court administrative functions.