Statewide Issues
Item 9800 - Augmentation for Employee Compensation
The 2008-09 Governor's Budget proposed $260.4 million General Fund for 2007-08 and $230.2 million General Fund for 2008-09 for the Administration's Last, Best, and Final Offer (LBFO) to Bargaining Unit 6, California Correctional Peace Officers Association.
Section 3517.8 (b) of the Government Code (Dills Act) states: "If the Governor and the recognized employee organization reach an impasse in negotiation for a new memorandum of understanding, the state employer may implement any or all of its LBFO. Any proposal in the state employer's LBFO that, if implemented, would conflict with existing statutes or require the expenditure of funds shall be presented to the Legislature for approval and, if approved, shall be controlling without further legislative action, notwithstanding Sections 3517.5, 3517.6, and 3517.7."
Consistent with statutory requirements, the Administration has submitted to the Legislature for its consideration those items of the LBFO which require legislative approval. To date, the Legislature has not approved those items or appropriated funding for the 2007-08 portion of the LBFO. Therefore, the Administration is proposing that funds proposed in the budget to implement the salary increase and other financial provisions of the LBFO be shifted from the specific budget item and placed in the reserve. Funding for the proposed health benefits increase will remain in the budget.
The Administration continues to pursue legislation to implement the LBFO. When the Legislature approves the requested changes, the Administration will implement those provisions of the LBFO.
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Revised Budget Summary - Statewide Issues (pdf * - 53K)
- Provides the entire Statewide Issues Chapter in pdf format.
Proposed Budget Summary - Statewide Issues (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Statewide Issues.