Adjustments to the Budget Balancing Reductions
Additional Savings Proposals Coupled with Flexibility

The May Revision proposes to shift $222.6 million Proposition 98 General Fund from deferred maintenance as part of fully restoring the reduction proposed to Special Education. This leaves $39.6 million for the deferred maintenance program which is proposed to be reserved for hardship projects. In addition, the May Revision provides $100 million for the Emergency Repair Program established under the Williams settlement.

Coupled with the redirection, the Administration proposes to eliminate the local matching requirement for the deferred maintenance program for the 2008-09 fiscal year.

The May Revision proposes to reauthorize the flexibility provisions that were adopted in 2003-04 to provide greater flexibility for school districts to cope with a constrained budget environment and to help mitigate the need for reductions in workforce. Specifically, the proposals would:

  • Reduce reserve requirements for purposes of determining "Negative" and "Qualified" budget status.
  • Authorize districts to increase apportionments sufficient to ensure a 2 percent increase from restricted categorical sources.
  • Reduce the required 3 percent annual contribution to the districts' restricted reserve for routine maintenance to 2 percent.
  • Increase current percentage caps on district transfer authority for AB 825 categorical block grants from 15/20 percent to 20/25 percent.
  • Eliminate the local match requirement under the Deferred Maintenance Program.
  • Allow districts to move state categorical program carryover or reserve funds from any prior year and from any program to the district's unrestricted general fund, excluding those funds prohibited under federal or state law.
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for K thru 12 Education Back to Top

 Change in Total K-12 Funding
 Adjustments to the Budget Balancing Reductions
 image of black pointing arrowAdditional Savings Proposals Coupled with Flexibility
  Restoration of Critical Programs
 Other Budget Adjustments

Revised Budget Summary - K thru 12 Education (pdf * - 256K) -
Provides the entire K thru 12 Education Chapter in pdf format.

Revised Budget Detail - K thru 12 Education
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for K thru 12 Education.

Proposed Budget Summary - K thru 12 Education (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for K thru 12 Education.