Department of Health Care Services
Family Health Estimates
The Family Health Program is comprised of the California Children's Services (CCS), the Child Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) program, and the Genetically Handicapped Persons Program (GHPP). The May Revision includes $301.9 million ($156.3 million General Fund), a net increase of $20.4 million ($18.4 million General Fund) from $281.5 million provided in the Governor's Budget. The change primarily is due to increased costs of treatment for beneficiaries with hemophilia. The General Fund increase from the Governor's Budget level includes the following significant adjustments:
- $16.0 million will be transferred from Medi-Cal to GHPP to cover a projected funding shortfall from the 2007 Budget Act due to increased treatment costs of hemophilia, which makes up to 90 percent of the costs of the GHPP. The GHPP served approximately 477 beneficiaries with hemophilia in 2007-08. Treatment for hemophilia is expensive and episodes of bleeding for a few beneficiaries can significantly increase health care costs for the program. This funding shortfall will be addressed by transferring funds from Medi-Cal to the GHPP program.
- $3.4 million will be transferred from Medi-Cal to CCS, which has a projected $3.7 million General Fund funding shortfall from the 2007 Budget Act ($2.1 million above the Governor's Budget) in the California Children's Services (CCS) program for caseload growth and increased costs for treatment and therapy services. This funding shortfall will be resolved by transferring funds from Medi-Cal to the CCS program. The remaining $0.3 million of the shortfall will be funded through savings in the CHDP program.
The May Revision includes $313.5 million ($134.8 million General Fund), a net increase of $26.1 million ($25.2 million General Fund) from the $287.5 million provided in the Governor's Budget. The net General Fund increase from the Governor's Budget level includes the following significant adjustments:
- $19.5 million increase to cover caseload growth and increased costs of service in GHPP. The May Revision also includes proposals to contain costs in the GHPP, including:
- Negotiate supplemental rebates from blood factor manufacturers, for increased General Fund revenue of $250,000 in 2008-09;
- Statutory change to allow the DHCS to contract directly with pharmacies; and
- System changes that will allow for improved tracking of blood factor utilization to ensure proper billing for manufacturers' rebates.
- $6.0 million increase in the CCS program for caseload growth and increased costs for treatment and therapy services.
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Revised Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (pdf * - 208K)
- Provides the entire Health and Human Services Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.
Proposed Budget Summary - Health and Human Services (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Health and Human Services.