Higher Education
California Community Colleges
- 2007-08 -$69 million General Fund and Proposition 98 Related Sources
- 2008-09 $236.2 million net General Fund and Proposition 98 Related Sources (with carryovers)
The May Revision proposes the following Proposition 98-related adjustments:
- The May Revision reflects reductions in estimated property tax revenue of $74.9 million that are offset by increases of $5.9 million in fee revenue compared to the 2007 Budget Act estimates. Reappropriations totaling $69 million, including estimated savings of $47.3 million from 2006-07 community college apportionments, are provided to backfill the resulting deficit to ensure colleges are not adversely affected by the current year shortfall. This amount will become available in the budget year.
The May Revision proposes significant ongoing budget adjustments for the CCC that will increase total General Fund and Proposition 98-related sources by a net $236.2 million compared to the Governor's Budget, including an increase of $167.2 in ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund and $69 million in one time sources.
The following ongoing Proposition 98 workload adjustments are proposed to conform to revised estimates of local revenues and other workload changes:
- An increase of $35.5 million for growth in apportionments, bringing the total growth funding in the budget year to $95.5 million (1.67 percent), sufficient to serve approximately 20,000 additional students.
- An increase of $572,000 to restore the reduction proposed in the Governor's Budget to the Foster Care Training program which will preserve approximately $700,000 of federal matching funds for training foster parents in meeting the needs of this vulnerable population.
- An increase of $138.7 million to offset the reduction in estimated property tax revenues for 2008-09.
- A decrease of $6.4 million to reflect an increase in estimated offsetting student fee revenues based on more recent current year data.
- A decrease of $1.8 million to reflect an increase in offsetting oil and mineral revenues of an identical amount.
- An increase of $717,000 for the Board of Governor's Fee Waiver program administrative costs to reflect updated estimates of student fee waivers.
Policy-related adjustments for the CCC include the following:
- As mentioned, $69 million is proposed to be reappropriated to backfill the current year deficit caused by the anticipated property tax shortfall. $47.3 million is carryover savings from 2006-07 and $21.7 is appropriated from the reversion account.
- Provisional language is proposed to provide colleges flexibility to transfer funds between categorical programs in two programmatic areas. Specifically, this would allow up to 20 percent of funds to be transferred out of a particular program in order to increase other programs by up to 25 percent within each program area. This flexibility would encompass three part-time faculty staff incentive programs in one and five student services programs in another. Given the necessity to reduce programs costs, this additional flexibility will allow local priority needs to be better addressed.
- $2.7 million in reimbursements is proposed to reflect an interagency agreement that is being developed between the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and the Chancellor's Office that would provide training for prison staff that play key roles in the rehabilitation process, consistent with strategies authorized by Chapter 7, Statutes of 2007 and the Expert Panel on Adult Offender Reentry and Recidivism Reductions' report to the Legislature in June, 2007. Of this amount, it is anticipated that $140,000 would be available to support one position for state operations workload and up to $2.6 million would support local assistance allocations for colleges to provide the training and development services.
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Revised Budget Summary - Higher Education (pdf * - 70K)
- Provides the entire Higher Education Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Higher Education
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Higher Education.
Proposed Budget Summary - Higher Education (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Higher Education.