Business, Transportation, and Housing
High-Speed Rail Authority
- 2007-08 No Change
- 2008-09 $41.2 million Other Funds
In November, voters will have the opportunity to approve a $9.9 billion bond for high-speed rail. While the Authority's current long-term plans could cost $40 billion, it is expected that local and federal sources, as well as private investment, will provide the rest of the funding for construction of high speed rail. The High-Speed Rail Authority projects that once train service is operational, it will be self-supporting from fares.
- The May Revision includes $10 million from the Public Transportation Account to sustain current engineering and project management work and mobilize contract resources for all corridors, prior to the election. The May Revision also proposes to appropriate $8.2 million from Proposition 116 for additional environmental studies and engineering work on the Fresno-to-Sacramento segment. An additional $23 million is proposed to be appropriated from the bond fund to continue work after the election.
The Administration will be proposing amendments to the Safe, Reliable High-Speed Passenger Train Bond Act for the 21st Century to ensure an appropriate balance between assuring that expenditures of the bond funds will result in operational high-speed rail services and providing the flexibility needed to attract federal and local government, as well as private sector, participation in funding, constructing, and operating the system. The following changes to the bond legislation are being proposed.
- Limit the amount of bond funding that may be used for engineering work, environmental studies needed to obtain permits, and preservation of right-of-way to enable project costs to be more accurately determined and project risk to be reduced before other parties' funds are fully committed. This will help pave the way for public and private partners to participate in the project, while limiting the amount of bond funds at risk.
- Before any construction or equipment purchase contracts can be signed for a portion of the system, there must be a complete funding plan that provides assurance that all funding needed to provide service on that portion of the system is secured.
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Revised Budget Summary - Business, Transportation, and Housing (pdf * - 66K)
- Provides the entire Business, Transportation, and Housing Chapter in pdf format.
Revised Budget Detail - Business, Transportation, and Housing
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Business, Transportation, and Housing.
Proposed Budget Summary - Business, Transportation, and Housing (January 2008)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Business, Transportation, and Housing.