Business, Transportation, and Housing
Department of Housing and Community Development
The Budget includes $1.0 billion ($15.1 million General Fund) and 622.7 positions to fund the state's housing assistance programs. This is a decrease of $425.6 million from 2007-08. This decrease results from higher 2007-08 Proposition 1C expenditures due to program accelerations and one-time allocations. These include $150 million for the Infill Housing and the Transit Oriented Development programs to stimulate the state's economy by accelerating housing projects that provide construction industry jobs, $170 million for the California Homebuyers Assistance and the Residential Development Loan programs administered by the California Housing Finance Agency, and a one-time allocation of $60 million to the California Pollution Control Financing Authority to provide loans and grants for brownfield mitigation that promotes infill residential and mixed use development.
Proposition 1C authorizes $2.8 billion to improve housing opportunities in the state. The Department of Housing and Community Development awarded $923 million for existing programs in 2007-08 and expects to make awards totaling $741 million in 2008-09 for the following program areas:
- Affordable homeownership programs - $148 million to help families become or remain homeowners.
- Affordable rental housing construction - $101 million to provide affordable rental housing for the state's lower-income workforce, the elderly, disabled, and veterans.
- Housing for farmworkers - $40 million for new rental housing and affordable home ownership opportunities for farmworker families.
- Permanent housing for the homeless - $93 million to build permanent housing for the homeless, those transitioning out of homelessness, and emancipated foster care youth.
- Homeless shelter housing - $24 million to construct and expand shelters of last resort and transitional housing for the homeless.
- Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods (BEGIN) - $40 million for grants to cities and counties to make deferred-payment second mortgage loans to qualified buyers of new homes.
- Transit-oriented development - $95 million to develop and construct new housing close to transit stations.
- Infill Incentive Grants - $200 million for a competitive-based grant program to construct critical infrastructure that will stimulate the construction of new housing in existing neighborhoods and encourage efficient land use and development.
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