Assistance to Local Government
Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
- The Homeowners' Property Tax Relief Program ($442.5 million) was exempted from the reductions because it is constitutionally required. The Program replaces property tax revenues local governments lose due to the Homeowners' Property Tax Exemption.
- The Governor's Budget proposes $35 million in reductions to various non-Health and Human Services local government programs. For a complete listing, please reference the General Government Chapter. The major reductions in 2008-09 are described below:
- $23.8 million from the Citizens Option for Public Safety/Juvenile Justice Crime Prevention Act Program. This proposal, which does not require legislation, would reduce local law enforcement discretionary grant amounts by 10 percent. The funds are distributed on a population basis to police and sheriffs departments, and county district attorney offices.
- $3.9 million from the Subventions for Open Space (Williamson Act) Program. Legislation is proposed to reduce by 10 percent the reimbursement counties receive for property tax revenues lost as a result of assessing lands covered by Williamson Act contracts at a lower value.
- $1.9 million from the Small/Rural Sheriffs Program. Legislation is proposed to reduce grants in 37 counties for discretionary law enforcement purposes from $500,000 to $450,000.
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Budget Summary - Assistance to Local Government (pdf * - 42K)
- Provides this entire Assistance to Local Government Chapter in pdf format.