The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local governments when the state requires them to perform new duties or provide a higher level of service. The Commission on State Mandates determines whether or not local governments are entitled to reimbursement for increased costs mandated by the state. The objective of the Commission is to fairly and impartially hear and determine through a public hearing process whether the state imposed a reimbursable mandate. The Commission determines the activities necessary to comply with a new mandate, adopts a cost estimate, and notifies the Legislature of its findings.
The Commission, created as a quasi-judicial body, consists of seven members. Four of the members are ex-officio: the Director of Finance, the State Controller, the State Treasurer, and the Director of the Office of Planning and Research. The remaining three members, appointed by the Governor with Senate approval, include a public member with experience in public finance and two additional members from the categories of city council member, county supervisor, or school district governing board member.
The proposed budget was constructed first by computing the workload budget funding level. From the workload budget, adjustments are made to reflect specific policy adjustments and reductions, including budget-balancing reductions. With these adjustments, the Governor's Budget provides $193 million and 13 positions to determine and fund reimbursable state mandates. Figure MAN-01 illustrates the major changes proposed in the Governor's Budget for mandates reimbursement funding as well as funding for the Commission on State Mandates.
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Budget Summary - Mandates (pdf * - 208K)
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