Labor and Workforce Development
Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions

  • Total budget-balancing reductions for LWDA amount to $150,000 and 1.8 positions in 2007-08 and $2.1 million and 16.4 positions in 2008-09. These reductions do not require statutory changes.
  • Programs exempted from reductions include tax collection activities of the EDD and General Fund revenue producing activities in the DIR.
  • The major reductions are described below:
    • $246,000 and 2.3 positions in 2008-09 for EDD Administrative Support and the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board. This reduction will result in a minimal delay in audit appeals.
    • $150,000 and 1.8 positions in 2007-08 and $515,000 and 3.7 positions in 2008-09 for the Agricultural Labor Relations Board. These reductions will delay claims processing, investigations, and litigation of unfair labor practices cases.
    • $1.3 million and 9.5 positions in 2008-09 for DIR programs including Self-Insurance Plans, Mediation and Conciliation, Occupational Safety and Health Appeals Board, Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board, Division of Labor Statistics and Research, and Administrative Support. These reductions will reduce appeals hearings, delay implementation of regulations, and eliminate the publication of apprenticeship prevailing wage determinations.
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 Proposed Workload Budget
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 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments

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