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Table displaying dollar amounts for Reserve 2007-08 and 2008-09.  2007 Budget Act $4.1, $0.  Changes in Beginning Balances/Carryover from 2007-08 -$0.5, -$3.3.  2007-08 Operating Deficit $0, -$6.7.  Major Revenues Decrease/Increase (-/+) -$4.2, $4.6.  Other Revenues -$0.7, -$1.4. Expenditure Increases: Proposition 98 -$0.6, -$2.3.  All Others -$1.4, -$5.4.  2008-09 Operating Deficit -$11.2.  2008-09 Governor's Budget Workload Budget Deficit -$3.3, -$14.5.  Operating Deficit -$6.7.  Footnote 1 Workload budget reflects the projected costs of state government if no corrective actions are taken.  Footnote 2 The operating deficit for 2007-08 reflects spending more in that year than the revenues collected that year.  This operating deficit carries foward into 2008-09 and is increased by projected spending increases partially offset by revenue increases.
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