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Column chart displaying Cigarette and Tobacco Products Surtax Fund Proposition 99 Revenues from 1989 through 2007.  All dollars are in millions.  Fiscal year 1989-90 is $573.  Fiscal year 1991-92 is $518.  Fiscal year 1993-94 is $473.  Fiscal year 1995-96 is $462.  Fiscal year 1997-98 is $450.  Fiscal year 1999-00 is $372.  Fiscal year 2001-02 is $353.  Fiscal year 2002-03 is $352.  Fiscal year 2003-04 is $321.  Fiscal year 2004-05 is $336.  Fiscal year 2005-06 is $335.   Fiscal year 2006-07is $336.  Fiscal year 2007-08 (estimated) is $327.  Fiscal year 2008-09 (estimated) is $335.
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