The California Strategic Growth Plan
To assure that public funds are used as efficiently as possible and in a manner consistent with the stated intent of already authorized and proposed future bond measures Executive Order S-02-07 was issued. That Executive Order required that prior to any funding being expended from existing or future bonds, the responsible state agencies develop accountability plans that include criteria for awarding, managing, and auditing of programs and projects that would be funded from the bonds. In addition, each program will have regular, independent audits conducted to ensure that funds are being allocated according to those outcome criteria identified in its accountability plan and that the implemented programs and projects did in fact achieve the intended outcomes.
As it is imperative that the public be able to access this information, all departments utilizing these bond funds are participating in a website where the public can review its accountability plan for each program, search for projects throughout the state, and monitor the status of the project. The voters have an absolute right to know how the bonds they authorized are being spent. Therefore, outcome and performance criteria, as well as audit results, when completed, are readily available to the public on this website that can be accessed via the following link: http://www.bondaccountability.ca.gov/.
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Budget Summary - The California Strategic Growth Plan (pdf * - 279K)
- Provides this entire The California Strategic Growth Plan Chapter in pdf format.