Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

The Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs (DADP) leads the state's efforts to reduce alcoholism, drug addiction, and problem gambling. The department is responsible for administering funding to local governments; certifying, licensing, monitoring and auditing alcohol and other drug programs; and developing and implementing prevention programs and strategies.

The Governor's Budget includes $662.5 million ($286.9 million General Fund) for the DADP in 2008-09, a net decrease of $5 million ($10.3 million General Fund) from the revised 2007-08 budget and $17.4 million ($6.9 million General Fund) below the 2007 Budget Act level. Major General Fund adjustments include an increase of $25 million in Substance Abuse Services Coordinating Agencies contract funding passed through to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Major budget-balancing reductions to the 2008-09 General Fund workload budget include the following:

  • $2.5 million in 2007-08 and $16.1 million in 2008-09 for Alcohol and Other Drug Programs primarily resulting from a reduction in Drug Medi-Cal provider rates.
  • $3.3 million in 2007-08 and $10 million in 2008-09 for the Substance Abuse Crime Prevention Act of 2000 (Proposition 36). This reduction in the amount of state funding will not change sentencing law requirements under Proposition 36.
  • $667,000 in 2007-08 and $2 million in 2008-09 for the Substance Abuse Offender Treatment Program. This program serves offenders eligible for treatment under Proposition 36 and is contingent upon a Budget Act appropriation.
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CHAPTER HIGHLIGHTS for Health and Human Services Back to Top

 Proposed Workload Budget
 Proposed Budget-Balancing Reductions
 Other Special Session Issues
 Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
 image of black pointing arrowDepartment of Alcohol and Drug Programs
  Department of Health Care Services
  Department of Public Health
  Managed Risk Medical Insurance Board
  Department of Developmental Services
  Department of Mental Health
  Department of Child Support Services
  Department of Social Services
  State-Local Program Realignment

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Proposed Budget Detail - Health and Human Services
Displays Proposed Budget Detail information for Health and Human Services.