Program Enhancements and Other Budget Adjustments
Continuation of Other Higher Education Initiatives
While the proposed 2008-09 budget balancing reductions would impact funding levels for continuing initiatives in 2008-09, progress on these efforts that began during this Administration will continue to be made. Significant ongoing initiatives in Higher Education include the following:
Science and Math Teacher Initiative
This effort provides additional funding to the CSU and UC to address the shortage of high-quality math and science teachers in our public schools. The CSU has committed to doubling its annual production of science and math teacher candidates to a total of approximately 1,500, and the UC has committed to quadruple its production to a total of 1,000 by 2010-11. Since 2005-06, $7.3 million has been invested in this program. The workload budget includes an ongoing $2.7 million for CSU for this initiative and $1.1 million for UC. Assuming proportional reductions are made to these programs, $3.4 million would remain available for this effort.
Nursing Initiative
This initiative provides additional funding to expand enrollments in all three segments in order to meet the state's clinical nursing shortages. Since 2004-05, $108 million out of a total of $130 million statewide has been invested in nursing expansion in the three higher education segments, beyond normal enrollment growth funding. These funds have been utilized to expand slots for an additional 4,900 FTE students enrolled in Associate Degree, Bachelors Degree and Masters Degree nursing programs. The workload budget includes $22.2 million ongoing for CCC, $6.3 million for CSU, and $1.7 million for UC. The proposed budget balancing reductions will reduce CCC funding for this purpose to $19.7 million. Assuming proportional reductions are made by the UC and CSU, a total of $26.9 million would remain available for this effort.
Career Technical Education Initiative
This initiative provides additional funding through the Community College budget to fund partnerships between colleges and public school districts to reinvigorate and expand enrollments in high-quality career preparation programs that will better prepare all students for high-demand, high-paying technical careers while allowing them to smoothly transition to postsecondary education.
As a result of the investments since 2005-06, the state has begun to restore the capacity and vitality that many CTE programs had lost due to decades of erosion in these programs. California is making significant progress in building CTE programs that will provide students with additional options and opportunities and help to meet the evolving demands of California business and industry. The workload budget continues $58 million in 2008-09 for this purpose--$20 million in CCC's base funding for SB 70 programs as well as $38 million in funding appropriated by Chapter 751, Statutes of 2006. The SB 70 funding is reduced to $17.8 million, resulting in $55.8 million that will remain available for this effort.
Community College Student Success Initiative
This initiative provides additional resources to help at-risk Community College students persist and succeed in achieving successful outcomes such as career technical education certificates, transfer readiness and degrees.
The workload budget continues the redirection of $33.1 million in ongoing funds for improving student outcomes that are allocated pursuant to a funding formula and subject to accountability provisions that are under development as specified in Chapter 489, Statutes of 2007. This funding is reduced to $29.8 million under proposed budget balancing reductions, yet will still allow the colleges to continue progress in improving student outcomes for those students least prepared to undertake college level work.
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Proposed Budget Detail - Higher Education
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