General Government
Proposed Workload Budget
The major workload adjustments for 2008-09 include the following:
- Joint Operations Center Staffing - The Governor's Budget includes $1.3 million General Fund and 13.3 positions to provide 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-per-week staffing of the Joint Operations Center (JOC) to enable the California National Guard (Guard) to rapidly deploy personnel and equipment with little notice from the Office of Emergency Services and conduct the coordination and notification to support state agencies in the event of an emergency or disaster. The JOC is the central node of information that connects the Guard to the first responder community, other state agencies, and the U.S. Department of Defense.
- Education Benefit Program - The Governor's Budget proposes $1.8 million General Fund and 0.9 positions to establish an education benefit program for members of the Guard to improve retention of Guard members and their respective skill sets, thereby providing a more experienced, effective reserve force. Fifty-one other states and territories offer some sort of education benefit program, which has proven to be an effective recruitment and retention tool for National Guard membership.
- Veterans Homes - The Governor's Budget includes $9.4 million and 100.7 positions for the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CDVA) for the construction and activation phases of the Veterans Homes in West Los Angeles and Ventura County. The Governor's Budget also includes $580,000 General Fund and 4.3 positions for the CDVA for the initial construction and pre-activation phases of the Redding and Fresno Veterans Homes projects.
- Fiscal Operations Unit - The Governor's Budget includes $1.3 million General Fund and 13.3 positions for the CDVA to meet the fiscal operational and oversight needs of eight veterans homes and a state veterans cemetery.
- Facilities Maintenance and Management Unit - The Governor's Budget includes $3.2 million and 18.3 positions for the CDVA to establish a Facilities Management Unit and Deferred Maintenance Program. This unit will be responsible for implementing a program for maintenance and repairs at the three existing veterans homes, the state cemetery for veterans, and the five veterans homes under construction.
- Tax Relief:
- $8.8 million General Fund for the Senior Citizens' Property Tax Deferral Program to reflect increased participation due to Chapter 616, Statutes of 2006 (AB 2719), which increased the minimum income level for post-1983 participants.
- $4.5 million General Fund reduction for the Homeowners' Property Tax Relief Program to reflect decreased claimant costs.
- $3.7 million General Fund for the Senior Citizens' Renters' Tax Assistance Program to reflect increased caseload.
- $1.4 million General Fund for the Senior Citizens' Property Tax Assistance Program to reflect increased caseload.
- $500,000 General Fund for the Subventions for Open Space (Williamson Act) Program to reflect increased reimbursement costs for local governments.
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