Higher Education
California Community Colleges

  • 2006-07 $115 million net General Fund and Proposition 98 Related Sources
  • 2007-08 $9 million net General Fund and Proposition 98 Related Sources

The May Revision proposes one-time Proposition 98 General Fund policy increases of $100 million from amounts owed for the current year guarantee. These adjustments will be addressed through budget trailer bill legislation, and include:

  • $50 million for career technical education equipment and associated facility reconfigurations. These funds will help ensure student access to state-of-the-art equipment necessary for developing relevant career technical skills needed in the workplace of today and tomorrow.
  • $50 million for grants to colleges for equipment and other one-time uses for nursing programs in order to assist the colleges' enrollment expansion efforts in meeting the demands of the statewide nursing shortage.
  • The May Revision also reflects increases in estimated property tax revenue of $15.1 million and $1.8 million in oil and mineral revenue over the January estimate that drives additional reversions of current year funds in those amounts.

The May Revision proposes significant ongoing budget adjustments for the CCC that will increase total General Fund and Proposition 98-related sources by a net $9 million compared to the Governor's Budget, including an increase of $5.6 million in ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund. Major ongoing Proposition 98 General Fund policy adjustments for the CCC include the following:

  • Increases of $23.6 million for apportionments and $1.6 million for selected categorical programs to reflect an increase in the COLA factor from 4.04 percent to 4.53 percent.
  • A base reduction of $80 million in apportionments to reflect excess current year and prior year growth funding that will revert based on the most recent enrollment information available from the Chancellor's Office. Notwithstanding this adjustment, when coupled with the 2-percent growth funding provided in the Governor's Budget, apportionment funding is sufficient to enable the system to increase full-time equivalent instructional workload by at least 3 percent over estimated current year actual workload levels.
  • An increase of $10 million to the Matriculation program schedule, providing colleges with additional resources to assist students' progress towards their educational goals. This amount is coupled with modifications in the Administration's Community College Student Success Initiative to more closely align with the community college system's fall basic skills proposal.
  • An increase of $500,000 for the Foster Care/Kinship Program to maintain and augment the ongoing program level.
  • An increase of $1.9 million for matching grants to assist colleges with ongoing costs for establishing redundancy for the high-speed network. Redundant circuits will provide greater internet reliability during peak usage time and reduce the incidence of lost connectivity.
  • An increase of $220,000 for a total proposed $570,000 for Fiscal Crisis and Management Team assistance consistent with the Chancellor's fall request to assist financially struggling districts prevent insolvency.
In addition, the following ongoing Proposition 98 workload adjustments are proposed to conform to revised estimates of local revenues and the base apportionment reduction:

  • A decrease of $5.9 million that offsets an increased estimate of property tax revenues for 2007-08.
  • A decrease of $1.6 million for apportionments to reflect the recalculation of 2-percent growth funding included in the Governor's Budget on a lower base, as discussed previously.
  • A decrease of $1.8 million that offsets an increased estimate of student fee revenues for 2007-08.
  • A decrease of $1.8 million to reflect an offsetting increase in oil and mineral revenues of an identical amount.
  • An increase of $332,000 for the Board of Governor's Fee Waiver program administrative costs to reflect re-estimated student fee revenues.
The May Revision also proposes $52.7 million in one-time Proposition 98 General Fund increases from the Proposition 98 Reversion Account for the following purposes:

  • $47.5 million for deferred maintenance, instructional equipment, and hazardous substance abatement, pursuant to existing match requirements. These funds will augment ongoing funding to assist colleges in core operational needs beneficial to student learning.
  • $2.7 million for matching grants for one-time technology costs for establishing redundancy to ensure the delivery of high-speed internet service to all colleges.
  • $2.5 million for textbook assistance for students meeting fee waiver eligibility requirements who do not receive textbook assistance under the Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education program.
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Revised Budget Detail - Higher Education
Displays Revised Budget Detail information for Higher Education.

Proposed Budget Summary - Higher Education (January 2007)
Displays Proposed Budget Summary information for Higher Education.