Legislative, Judicial, and Executive
Office of the Chief Information Officer
The Budget includes $4.6 million Department of Technology Services Revolving Fund and 25 positions to establish the Office of the Chief Information Officer. The State Chief Information Officer (CIO) will be responsible for the following duties:
- Advising the Governor on the strategic management and direction of the state's information technology resources.
- Establishing and enforcing state information technology strategic plans, policies, standards, and enterprise architecture.
- Minimizing overlap, redundancy, and cost in state operations.
- Coordinating activities of agency information officers and the Director of Technology Services.
- Improving organizational maturity and capacity in the effective management of information technology.
- Establishing performance management and ensuring state information technology services are efficient and effective.
- Approving, suspending, terminating, and reinstating information technology projects.
Effective January 1, 2008, the State CIO will assume responsibility for review and oversight of projects and department-specific activities, a function that has been the responsibility of the Department of Finance. Accordingly, the Department of Finance staff who have been performing this function will move to the Office of the State Chief Information Officer on January 1, 2008. The Department of Finance will continue to perform fiscal oversight of the state's information technology projects, including the determination of the availability of project funding from appropriate sources and ensuring consistency with state fiscal policy. To facilitate this effort, the Department of Finance will retain five positions for an information technology consulting unit.
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