Higher Education
California Community Colleges
The Budget provides total funding from all sources of $8.585 billion for CCC, an increase of $315.6 million or 3.8 percent above the 2006-07 level. This funding level includes $341.5 million net General Fund and Proposition 98-related increases or 5.5 percent above the 2006-07 level. The Budget includes the following significant Proposition 98 General Fund related adjustments for CCC:
- $19.2 million increase in property tax revenue based on revised estimates.
- $248.4 million increase for cost-of-living (4.53-percent COLA) for general-purpose Apportionments.
- $107.5 million increase (2 percent) for enrollment growth for Apportionments. This funding will enable CCC to enroll an additional 23,000 full-time-equivalent (FTE) students.
- $21.2 million increase for Categorical Program enrollment growth and COLA (2 percent and 4.53 percent, respectively) for Basic Skills, Matriculation, Disabled Students Programs and Services, Campus Childcare Tax Bailout, and Extended Opportunity Programs and Services.
- $80 million base reduction for unused growth from current and prior years. Notwithstanding this adjustment, when coupled with the 2-percent new growth funding and additional capacity retained in the base budget associated with declining enrollment funding, the apportionment budget is sufficient to enable the system to increase full-time-equivalent (FTES) enrollment by at least 3 percent over the estimated current-year actual workload levels for total growth of more than 34,000 FTES.
- $5.2 million increase for additional attrition reduction related investments to increase the graduation rate in Associate Degree Nursing programs.
- $1.9 million increase for textbook assistance for low-income students.
- $570,000 for the Fiscal Crisis Management Assistance Team to prevent insolvency for financially struggling districts.
- $500,000 increase for the Foster Care/Kinship Program.
- $31.5 million increase to offset the remaining fee revenue reduction incurred by colleges in the budget year due to the reduction in student fees from $26 per unit to $20 per unit in the spring of 2007 and other workload adjustments.
- $203.1 million reduction to Apportionments to reflected estimated growth in local property taxes of an identical amount.
The Budget sets aside a total of $46.9 million Proposition 98 General Fund for pending legislation that would appropriate these funds for the following purposes:
- $33.1 million from surplus Basic Skills overcap incentive funding to support additional services to increase successful student outcomes, particularly for recent high school graduates who lack basic skills, as discussed in the Student Success initiative above.
- $13.8 million for other Proposition 98 priorities.
The Budget also provides $21.2 million in one-time funding from the Proposition 98 Reversion Account for the following purposes:
- $8.1 million for equipment and other one-time expenses associated with nursing and allied health programs that will stimulate increased enrollment capacity for these high-demand occupations.
- $8.1 million for deferred maintenance and instructional materials.
- $4 million for startup costs for four new nursing programs.
- $1 million for the Cal-Pass program that facilitates institutional research for multiple education segments.
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Enacted Budget Detail - Higher Education
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