General Government
Public Utilities Commission
The California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates the electricity, natural gas, water, telecommunications, and transportation industries, such as railroads and household goods carriers. The 2007 Budget Act contains funding to enable the PUC to implement several new efforts:
- The Budget includes $2,460,000 Reimbursements and 2.9 positions to implement the California Solar Initiative. These staff will administer required PUC proceedings and assist in developing a pricing structure that provides an incentive to generate solar electricity during peak demand hours. The vast majority of these funds, $2,166,000, will be used to hire independent consultants to provide program monitoring and evaluation.
- The Budget includes $950,000 ($850,000 Public Utilities Commission Utilities Reimbursement Account and $100,000 Public Utilities Commission Ratepayer Advocate Account) and 10.3 positions to implement the Video Competition Act. These positions will enable the PUC to ensure that video services are non-discriminatory, review applications, and issue state franchises. This proposal includes one position for the Division of Ratepayer Advocates to promote service and quality standards on behalf of ratepayers.
- The Budget includes $2,043,000 Universal Lifeline Telephone Service Administrative Committee Fund and 31 positions to enable the PUC to address a large increase in appeals affecting the Universal Lifeline Telephone Service program. The appeals have resulted from eligibility denials issued to telephone users who fail to comply with new federal requirements, which require users to re-apply for the program and provide proof of income eligibility.
- The Budget provides $500,000 Public Utilities Commission Utilities Reimbursement Account to fund critical contracts in support of implementation of the California Global Warming Solutions Act.
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Enacted Budget Detail - General Government
Displays Enacted Budget Detail information for General Government.