Statewide Issues
Public Employee Post-Employment Benefits Commission
The Governor recently created the Public Employee Post-Employment Benefits Commission to examine what is owed in unfunded retirement benefits, both pension benefits and non-pension benefits such as health benefits, and to recommend how best to meet those obligations as they become due. This commission is the first step in fulfilling the Governor's commitment to examine the entire issue of post-employment benefits promised to employees of cities, counties, special district, school districts, and the state, and propose a well-reasoned plan to pay for these benefits. The commission includes twelve members: six, including the chairperson, appointed by the Governor, three appointed by the Speaker of the Assembly, and three appointed by the Senate President Pro Tem.
Since 2000-01 the state's payments to CalPERS have increased by 1,500 percent and the state's payments for retiree health and dental benefits have increased by 150 percent. These increases are consistent with those of other government employers in California. All governments in California will need to develop strategies to deal with these costs that are increasing faster than available budget resources. The Commission recently created by the Governor will provide guidance to state and local governments as they develop these individual strategies.
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